VIDEO: Joint Horizon2020 workshop: TSO-DSO cooperation in flexibility market integration


On 13 May 2019, EU-SysFlex organised the joint Horizon2020 workshop: TSO-DSO cooperation in flexibility market integration. A number of transmission and distribution system operators (TSOs and DSOs) presented their flexibility use cases and discussed large-scale integration of variable renewable electricity sources.

What makes the EU-SysFlex project unique and innovative? How does EU-SysFlex help integrate the EU electricity market? How does EU-SysFlex increase cooperation between transmission and distribution system operators? These and other issues are discussed in the video by:
Kalle Kukk, Elering / EU-SysFlex representative
Mathilde Lallemand, Manager, TSO-DSO interface and Digital Policy, ENTSO-E
Manuel Sánchez Jiménez, Team Leader for Smart Grids, DG Energy, European Commission

The workshop took place in Brussels on the eve of the prestigious annual InnoGrid conference. Premises for the workshop were kindly provided by ENTSO-E.