WP9: Demonstration of cross-border and cross-sector data management and exchanges


Work Package Leader: Elering

The objective of the work package is to test and demonstrate the data management solutions for flexibility services, developed in WP5. Several demonstrators will focus on aspects of data management, including cross-border communication between different data exchange platforms and with different stakeholders in order to facilitate cross-border exchange of flexibility services with following elements:

  • Cross-border communication
  • Affordable application for smaller distributed DSR
  • TSO-DSO flexibility data exchange application
  • Single user interface
  • Combined access to metering and operational data
  • Cross-sectoral data usage

Affordable tool for smaller DSR units will be developed facilitating the availability of distributed and small flexibility sources for ancillary services. Interface between this tool and a data exchange platform will be developed. Thus the application will verify the usefulness of such a platform. But the tool is also highly beneficial for efficient use of flexibilities. Large consumers and suppliers are easy to identify and to handle. However, significant amount of energy volume is found in the high number of small DSR units (households and other small consumers, prosumers). Low entry barriers (set-up costs, price, bid size, etc.) are key elements to reach a critical number of units to be able to fully integrate these decentralized resources in the energy flexibility market. In addition to the physical units, applications and algorithms must be developed in order to combine the small units efficiently and effectively to the grid. How to create environment facilitating applications which can be easily adopted to the end-customers of wide socio-economic background? It is evident that the evolving data exchange platforms around EU has made the supplier switching much easier. The objective of this task is to empower the consumers to choose between different applications and energy efficiency services provided by ESCOs and other emerging stakeholders in energy market, by ensuring the trustworthy and user-friendly service without costs hindering the development of this market. This consequently facilitates the emergence of new players and businesses. These synergies will be realized by linking together national data exchange platforms and customer-oriented applications.

Application for TSO-DSO flexibility data exchange will be developed facilitating TSO-DSO cooperation with the aim to enable efficient and effective supply and use of flexibility services. Interface between this tool and a data exchange platform will be developed. Application needs to be used by flexibility providers (including aggregators) and flexibility users (system operators). Application facilitates information exchange which is pivotal for coordinated use of flexibility resources for variety of ancillary services (congestion management both at transmission and distribution level, balancing, emergency reserves among others). The application is considered a necessary tool for facilitating efficient functioning of electricity market.

Demonstration of cross-border data exchange, possibly:

  • between data exchange platforms in countries A and B;
  • between data exchange platform in country A and network operator (TSO and/or DSO) in country B;
  • between data exchange platform in country A and third party (e.g. Flexibility provider) in country B;
  • between data exchange platform in country A and customer (consumer) in country B.
  • analyse synergies from combining metering and operational data as well as from cross-sectoral data exchange – bring these on one platform:
  • look at existing platforms, e.g. systems used by ENTSO-E: OPDE – operational planning data environment, CGM – Common Grid Model, Transparency platform;
  • create single point of access to metering and operational data by using single platform for exchanging these data;
  • analyse values of combining different data sources from different sectors (electricity, gas, heat, transport, telco, building information, etc) by making these data available to interested parties via single platform (one-stop-shop principle).

Demonstrations include testing the elements which are the outputs of WP5:

  • testing of big data collection, storage, processing;
  • testing cyber security and data privacy requirements;
  • testing new proposed standards and protocols.

Another element of this task is to develop a common interface for customers. For example, for the consumers who have consumption points in different countries (precondition for single supplier and single bill); or for the flexibility providers who need access to different data sources and customers; or for any market participant who needs to buy flexibility (or any other) services. How to create value for market participants? Develop the concept for common interface for customer, considering the differences in data exchange platforms across countries.

Estfeed: data exchange platform by Elering

Data exchange platform Estfeed connects various data sources, applications and market participants. It provides secure access to consumptions and generation data in the electricity and gas data hubs. Estfeed is a central platform developed by Estonian TSO Elering to serve national stakeholders currently.

EU-SysFlex aims at widening the concept to cross-border data exchange. Several demos will look and connecting data exchange platforms, data hubs and applications in different countries. This will support delivery of energy services across the country borders, incl. necessary for flexibility trading.

More information about Estfeed platform