WEBINAR | How to take the EU-SysFlex Exploitable Results to the market


The webinar presented the results of Task 11.7.4 regarding business opportunity validation and the preliminary results of Task 11.7.5 treating the exploitation of the results as developed by project partner ESADE Business School.

After performing a profound assessment of all the exploitable results of the project, five results were selected based on different criteria. This selection methodology will be shortly explained, followed by an overview of the different business modeling tools used to evaluate these results, including the Electricity System improvement Canvas (ESIC), specifically developed for the EU-SysFlex project. Next, the selected results will be explained focusing on the problem, proposed solution and the most important business modeling tools used. The second and last part of the webinar will then treat intellectual property rights for software in Europe.


  • Jordi Vinaixa, Associate Professor, ESADE Business School
  • Hasan Muslemani, Researcher, ESADE Business School
  • Winnie Vanrespaille, Research Assistant, ESADE Business School
  • Oliver Ojala, Senior Technical Adviser, Helen Oy
  • Toni López-Carrasco, Patent Expert, Telefonica


10.00 AM | Methodology for selecting exploitable results and overview of different business modeling tools used

10.15 AM  | Description of five selected exploitable results:

  • Siemens/EDP – Virtual Power Plant
  • InescTec – TSO/DSO Coordination Tool for Reserves Contracting
  • Mitnetz-Strom – TSO/DSO operation improvement for Congestion Management
  • Elering – European Energy Data Exchange Platform
  • Helen – Flexibility Aggregation from BESS

10.45 AM | Q&A

11.00 AM | Intellectual Property Rights for Software in Europe

11.20 AM | Q&A