EU-SysFlex project partners at Wind Integration Workshop 2019
27.09.2019Events18th Wind Integration Workshop (International Workshop on Large-Scale Integration of Wind Power into Power Systems as well as on Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Power Plants) will be taking place on 16 - 18 Oct, 2019 in Dublin, Ireland. The workshop venue is the Crowne Plaza Dublin Airport.
The conference will include sessions mentioning the role of EU-SysFlex in reaching multiple objectives. Don’t miss the following sessions:
Session 3A, Thursday, Oct. 17, 08:40-10:40
- Probabilistic Estimation of the aFRR Requirement in the Future European Power System with High RES Penetration
J. Morin, G. Prime, Y. Wang (EDF R&D, France) (Submission-ID WIW19-22)
Session 4C, Thursday, Oct. 17, 11:10-13:00
- Forecasting Vertical Loads for Grid Nodes at the Transition from Medium to High Voltage: A Concept and the Realization
A. Wessel, K. Brauns (Fraunhofer IEE, Germany) (Submission-ID WIW19-72)
Session 6B, Thursday, Oct. 17, 16:10-18:30
- Operating the Ireland and Northern Ireland Power System with 70% Renewables by 2030: Technical Scarcity Identification
H. Qazi, P. Wall, D. Corcoran, S. Nolan, J. O’Sullivan (EirGrid, Ireland) (Submission-ID WIW19-229)
Session 8B, Friday, Oct. 18, 11:10-13:00
- Impact of Flexibility Service Requirements on Investment Decisions and Costs
C. O’Dwyer, D. Flynn (University College Dublin, Ireland) (Submission-ID WIW19-76)
Session 9C, Friday, Oct. 18, 14:00-15:30
- Processes and Systems for Using Flexibility from Distribution Grid to Integrate a High Share of RES in a Resilient, Stable and Efficient Operated Energy Supply System
M. Staudt (Mitteldeutsche Netzgesellschaft Strom mbH, Germany), S. Wende-von Berg (Fraunhofer IEE, Germany | University of Kassel, Germany), W. Albers, C. Calpe (innogy SE, Germany), B. Silva (INESC TEC, Portugal) (Submission-ID WIW19-57)
You can find the full program and a detailed timetable here.
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