EU-SysFlex webinar | How to take the EU-SysFlex Exploitable Results to the market


10 NOVEMBER 2021, 10.00-11.30 AM CET, Zoom webinar

EU-SysFlex would like to invite you to a webinar about methods and tools to take the project’s key exploitable results to the market. The webinar will present the results of Task 11.7.4 regarding business opportunity validation and the preliminary results of Task 11.7.5 treating the exploitation of the results as developed by project partner ESADE Business School.

After performing a profound assessment of all the exploitable results of the project, five results were selected based on different criteria. This selection methodology will be shortly explained, followed by an overview of the different business modeling tools used to evaluate these results, including the Electricity System improvement Canvas (ESIC), specifically developed for the EU-SysFlex project. Next, the selected results will be explained focusing on the problem, proposed solution and the most important business modeling tools used. The second and last part of the webinar will then treat intellectual property rights for software in Europe.

EU-SysFlex is a Horizon 2020 project aimed at identifying the long-term needs and technical scarcities of the future power system. The objective of the project is to create a long-term roadmap for large-scale integration of renewable energy in electricity grids as well as provide practical assistance to power system operators across Europe. The project team is working on identifying improvements to European market design, regulation, operational practices and enhanced system tools.


  • Jordi Vinaixa, Associate Professor, ESADE Business School
  • Hasan Muslemani, Researcher, ESADE Business School
  • Winnie Vanrespaille, Research Assistant, ESADE Business School
  • Oliver Ojala, Senior Technical Adviser, Helen Oy
  • Toni López-Carrasco, Patent Expert, Telefonica


10.00 AM | Methodology for selecting exploitable results and overview of different business modeling tools used

10.15 AM | Description of five selected exploitable results:

  • Siemens/EDP - Virtual Power Plant
  • InescTec - TSO/DSO Coordination Tool for Reserves Contracting
  • Mitnetz-Strom - TSO/DSO operation improvement for Congestion Management
  • Elering - European Energy Data Exchange Platform
  • Helen - Flexibility Aggregation from BESS

10.45 AM | Q&A

11.00 AM | Intellectual Property Rights for Software in Europe

11.20 AM | Q&A



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Kristina Kubisova,


Speakers’ info:

Jordi Vinaixa

Jordi Vinaixa, Associate Professor. Department of Strategy and General Management of ESADE. BSc and PhD in Chemistry from the University of Barcelona and MBA from ESADE Business School. He is currently Program Director of the ESADE course for the EIT-InnoEnergy MSc and PhD Schools, and of the From Science to Business (FS2B) Program. He is actually the Project Leader of the ESADE Work Package of the EU-SysFlex (EC-H2020) Project. His teaching and research is focused on Science/Technology based Entrepreneurship and Corporate Entrepreneurship.


Hasan Muslemani

Hasan is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at ESADE Business School with expertise in clean energy finance, environmental economics and business modeling for innovative low-carbon solutions, especially carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS) technology. Hasan has an academic and professional career spanning multiple disciplines, including natural sciences, finance and policy and wide international consultancy experience, having previously worked with energy companies and CCUS technology developers in the UK, China, Australia, Canada, and the US.


Winnie Vanrespaille

Winnie Vanrespaille graduated in Management and Bio-Engineering in 2012 from the Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium). She is currently a Research Assistant at ESADE Business School (Spain), focusing on innovative business models for different solutions around renewable energy and electricity grid problems.


Oliver Ojala

Oliver is a space engineer who likes to tackle tough problems especially in the energy sector and demand response. He is open-minded to new solutions and can find the right methods to reach his goals.


Toni López-Carrasco

Toni López Carrasco Comajuncosas holds a Master Scientist degree in Physics (UAB University) and an MSc in Space Engineering (Cranfield University, UK). He is a European Patent Attorney and a chartered lawyer. He works as intellectual property expert and in-house counsel at Telefonica. He has been the Head of the Patent Department at Oficina Ponti for about 4 years and an Examiner at the European Patent Office for about 12 years. He teaches innovation protection and technology transfer within post-graduate studies at Universitat Oberta Catalunya, lectures frequently to international audiences on IPR matters in business schools and he coordinates the CEIPI course on European Patent Law.