First three EU-SysFlex technical deliverables published


Work package 2 finished first three technical deliverables: Review of possible technical challenges for European grid in next 10 years; Future high renewables scenarios in the EU; Models to find and solve problems linked to high levels of renewables.


Deliverable 2.1: State-of-the-Art Literature Review of System Scarcities at High Levels of Renewable Generation

Deliverable 2.1 is a review of the potential technical challenges the European power system will need to overcome in the next decade in order to integrate high levels of renewable generation. The review outlines the system scarcities which have been identified in literature covering power systems in Europe, North America, Asia and Australia. It categorises the issues into six technical scarcities which will be assessed through the EU-SysFlex project – Frequency Control, Voltage Control, Rotor Angle Stability, Congestion Management, System Restoration, and System Adequacy.


Deliverable 2.2: EU-SysFlex Scenarios and Network Sensitivities

Deliverable 2.2 sets out two future 2030 scenarios for Europe – Energy Transition and Renewable Ambition – both of which have more than 50% of Europe’s electricity coming from renewable sources. These scenarios define the installed generation capacities for different fuel types, along with the electricity demand, interconnection and storage portfolios to be used for future analysis throughout the EU-SysFlex project. Furthermore, Network Sensitivities have been developed which include further renewable and electrification possibilities for specific sub-networks of the European power system.


Deliverable 2.3: Models for Simulating Technical Scarcities of the European Power System at High Levels of Renewable Generation

Deliverable 2.3 outlines the technical models which will be used to find and solve future problems for the European power system with high levels of renewable generation. These include production cost models, steady-state models, and dynamic simulation models which will identify the future system scarcities defined in Deliverable 2.1, using the scenarios developed in Deliverable 2.2.