AS Augstsprieguma Tikls (AST)


Augstsprieguma tīkls JSC (AST) is an independent Transmission System Operator, which operates the electric power transmission network and ensures security of electric power supply in Latvia. AST missions is providing power transmission services based on the published transmission service tariffs and providing free third-party access to the transmission network. The Baltic countries have a long history of close regional cooperation on TSO level. The operation and development of harmonized energy system and energy markets is sought optimized from a regional perspective to the benefit of the region as a whole. An example for this cooperation is agreement
that from the 1st of January 2018, Baltic states will have common Balancing market.
At the moment the Baltic countries are facing a new challenge – opening the markets for flexibility
services and developing closer ties in information exchange. Currently Baltic States face a very
different situation in regards to the level of data exchange platform development. National markets
of Baltic States are relatively small; accordingly most of the active electricity suppliers are pan-Baltic
players serving clients in two or three Baltic States. For them, as well as for the potential flexibility
service provides, the different data exchange standards hinder competition and increase back-office
costs which subsequently impact electricity prices for the consumers.
Baltic TSOs see this as an opportunity to improve the ties between the Baltic States by harmonizing
data exchange and introducing common flexibility services.
This puts AST in a unique position to provide insights in the practicalities of cross-border data
exchange and facilitation of data exchange for flexibility services.

Main Task within the EU-SysFlex project

AST participates in WP5 and WP9 -. Within these WPs, AST is a contributor for the following tasks:

  • Task 5.1: Data exchange conceptual model
  • Task 5.2: Identification, description and analysis of data exchange platform use cases
  • Task 5.3: Options for exchanging, storing and processing massive flows of data
  • Task 5.5: Proposal for data exchange standards and protocols
  • Task 9.2: Applications facilitating TSO-DSO cooperation, e.g. provision of flexibility services
  • Task 9.3: Testing and demonstrating the cross-border communication between data exchange
    platforms and with different stakeholders in order to facilitate cross-border exchange of flexibility

Person in charge of the project: Ivars Zikmanis

More info: https:/
