innogy SE (innogy)
02.03.2018innogy SE is an established European energy company. With its three business segments Grid Infrastructure, Retail and Renewables, it addresses the requirements of a modern, decarbonised, decentralised and digital energy world. The focus of innogy’s activities is on offering existing and potential customers innovative and sustainable products and services which enable them to use energy more efficiently and improve their quality of life. The key markets are Germany, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and Belgium as well as several countries in Central Eastern and South Eastern Europe, especially the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland. In renewable power generation, the company is also active in other regions, e.g. Spain and Italy. The subsidiary of RWE AG started operations on 1 April 2016. The innogy brand name is a symbiosis of the terms innovation, energy and technology.
Main Task within the EU-SysFlex project
innogy will take the leadership of WP6 focused on the interface between TSO and DSO , supported
also by Mitnetz (3rd party) in the German demonstrator. Innogy is one of the leading companies in
distribution grid in Germany. With its 462.000 km of distribution grid, connecting more than 13
million costumers innogy has high experience in building, maintaining and operating the distribution
grid. Operating also the HV (110kv) level at the distribution grid innogy has high experience in
working with the overlaying grid, belonging to the TSO. Already today innogy is facing challenges
which can only be solved in coordination with the TSO. Therefore innogy is working constantly on
improving the coordination between TSO and DSO and elaborating the interface between
TSO and DSO to meet these challenges.
In WP6 innogy will take these experiences to coordinate the different demonstrators and show how
the interface between DSO and TSO needs to be enhanced. Different technologies in different
voltage levels in different countries will show a full picture and enable the WP to derive overall
conclusions for the whole European project.
Since innogy’s subsidiaries are operating distribution grids in very different areas of Germany (from
high RES and low demand to low RES and high demand) innogy is experienced in coordinating
different challenges and deriving an overall strategy.
Innogy will also contribute in different tasks spread out within the other WPs by giving their
experience of operating a distribution grid which is already high experienced in TSO/DSO
coordination. The flexibilities which need to be used by all system operators in Europe to face the
challenges arising with the increasing amount of RES are connected to the distribution grid.
Therefore it is important to also consider a DSO perspective while creating a roadmap for the trans
European system. All system operators in all voltage levels need to be able to operate their systems
secure and sustainable way to make sure, that the European system is prepared to meet the
European goals. Therefore innogy will bring the DSO experience and the experience at the interface
to the TSO in all WPs which estimate future challenges, roles and solutions.
Person in charge of the project: Carmen Calpe
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