Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne SA


PSE performs the duties of the transmission system operator in Poland using its own transmission grid of the highest voltage, which consists of: 400kV, 220kV and 110kV voltage with a total length of 14.695 km and 106 extra-high voltage (EHV) substations. PSE is responsible for the network operation within the power transmission system, current and
long-term secure operation of this system, operation, maintenance, repairs and necessary
development of the transmission network, including the connections to other power systems.


Main Task within the EU-SysFlex project

PSE will participate in following tasks:

  • Work Package 2 – Technical and socio-economic needs of a secure low carbon European system
    PSE as a part of European TSO’s family has a good knowledge of future needs of transmission grid
    and innovative services which should be available on the future market.
  • Work Package 3 – Market design and regulation PSE as Polish TSO is the key player in the Polish
    electricity sector, with broad overview of all relations and tasks.
    PSE is by definition neutral and objective in the process of market design, supervised in NRA in all its
  • Work Package 4 – Infrastructure for demonstration and analysis of scalability and replicability
    PSE and PSE Innowacje will use state-of- the-art real-time power system simulator to provide the
    assessment of the results obtained in the course of carrying out the demonstrations (in the
    framework of packages WP5-WP8) in terms of scalability and replicability.
  • WP5 Data management for facilitation of new flexibility solutions – PSE participates in the development of specific tasks of the WP5 package. In particular, PSE participates in the implementation of tasks:
    • WP5.1 (Data exchange conceptual model) – in the scope of participation in the preparation of the report “Recommended Data Exchange conceptual mode in Europe”.
    • WP5.2 (Identification, description and analysis of data exchange system use cases) - in the scope of development of use cases regarding flexibility
    • WP5.3 (Option for exchanging, storing and processing massive flow of data) – preparation of the comparative analysis of existing solutions WP5.4 (Cyber security methods and data privacy guidelines for data exchange platforms) – for the development of use cases regarding security
    • WP5.5 (Proposal for data exchange standards and protocols) - in the scope of elaborating the results of the survey and development of recommendations.
  • Work Package 9 – Data management for facilitation of flexibility exchanges – PSE participates in the development of tasks WP9.2 and WP9.3. In particular in the scope of:
    • WP9.2 (Application for TSO-DSO flexibility data exchange) – PSE will cooperate with the task leader in the development of an application for flexibility management
    • WP9.3 (Cross-border and cross-sectoral data exchange) – PSE will develop the concept of one of the demonstrations and implement the cross-border data exchange on this basis.
  • Work Package 10 – Flexibility roadmap for Europe – PSE takes part in the activities of ENTSO-E focused of flexibility. Furthermore PSE promotes the
    flexibility basing on Demand Side Response. It is good background to develop roadmap and long term strategy for flexibility in Europe.

Person in charge of the project: Daniel Owczarek

More info: https://www.pse.pl/web/pse-eng/about-us/our-activities

Contact: dm@pse.pl