Pöyry Sweeden AB (PÖYRY)
The company performs technical consultancy, engineering and management consultancy within this legal entity. The department involved in the EU-Sysflex project will be the T&D department consisting of 60 employees focused on transmission and distribution services. The major Swedish clients are Swedish TSO Svenska Kraftnät, Swedish DSO´s Vattenfall Eldistribution and Ellevio.
Main Task within the EU-SysFlex project
Pöyrys competence profile matches the tasks on a high level. Pöyry`s technical core skills in power
systems functionality and TSO-, and DSO issues means that Pöyry can guide the data work on a high
level and manage the interface between the data flows / app development and the actual power
system properties as well as hardware and software itself.
Pöyry will be mainly focused on the market and regulatory frameworks included in WP3 (Tasks 3.1,
3.2), in the data management in WP5 (Tasks 5.1, 5.2, 5.3) and finally they will participate in
demonstration of cross-border and cross-sector data management and exchanges in WP9 (9.1, 9.2,
Person in charge of the project: Mats Wang-Hansen
More info: https:/www.poyry.com/