Teknologian tutkimuskeskus VTT Oy (VTT)


VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd is a state owned and controlled non-profit limited liability company established by law and operating under the ownership steering of the Finnish Ministry of Employment and the Economy. VTT has a staff of 2192, net turnover in 2015 was M€157,9M€ and other operational incomes were 92,6M€. Over the years, VTT has gained vast experience from participation in numerous European R&D Framework Programme projects and within various thematic programmes. VTT is ranked among the leading European RTOs.

VTT’s activities are focused on three areas: Knowledge intensive products and services, Smart
industry and energy systems, and Solutions for natural resources and environment. VTT is impact-
driven and from its wide multitechnological knowledge base, VTT can combine different
technologies, produce information, upgrade technology knowledge, and create business intelligence
and value added for its stakeholders.

This proposal includes work from the research area Smart Energy and Systems Integration, where the
focus is on grid integration of renewables, future electricity markets, future energy scenarios and grid
connection of renewables.

Main Task within the EU-SysFlex project

In WP2 VTT will take the services and products agreed within the project, to the modelling
framework of Nordic/Baltic system. The generation planning and UCED models include the other
main sources of flexibility typical for the Nordic region (especially reservoir hydro power and district
heating with CHP, electric heaters and heat storages). Based on the model results and expert
knowledge, VTT will provide input for use case specifications on how the technologies would likely be
utilized in future systems with increasing shares of variable generation.

In WP3 VTT will bring Nordic perspective about market design and regulation.
VTT will participate in most of the tasks within WP6, “Demonstration of flexibility services from
resources connected to the distribution network”, leading task 6.4 “Demonstrators/ field tests”.

Person in charge of the project: Corentin Evens

More info: https:/www.vttresearch.com/
