SEST’19 EU-SysFlex Workshop in Porto, Portugal


The Smart Energy Systems and Technologies (SEST) conference aims at providing an opportunity to discuss various engineering challenges of smart energy system design and operation by focusing on advanced methods and practices for designing different components and their integration within the grid. It also provides a forum for researchers from academia and professionals from industry, as well as government regulators to tackle these challenges, and discuss and exchange knowledge and best practices about design and implementation of smart energy systems.

SEST 2019 - 2nd International Conference on Smart Energy Systems and Technologies will take place on September 9 to September 11, 2019 in Porto, Portugal. EU-SysFlex will have its own panel session as one of conference’s three EU Horizon 2020 (H2020) Projects.

EU-SysFlex session will take place on the second day of the conference, Tuesday, September 10 at 3:30 PM in Sala de Atos. The session’s title is “Pan-European system with an efficient coordinated use of flexibilities for the integration of a large share of RES - EU-SysFlex” and among the panel speakers are Project Director John Lowry as the session chair, Senior Engineer Hassan Qazi, Senior Advisor Kalle Kukk, Project Manager Miguel Jorge Marques, and Project Engineer Maik Staudt.

You can find the full SEST 2019 agenda here.


Find out more about EU-SysFlex project on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook.