Watch EU-SysFlex Final Technical Event



EU-SysFlex invites you to watch its final technical event, which will present the results of the EU-SysFlex demonstration projects.

Increasing the flexibility of the pan-European system requires a comprehensive and all-encompassing vision that extends across a broad portfolio of new approaches, solutions and technologies. EU-SysFlex provides this by demonstrating different business use cases in seven field tests at all system levels and across Europe: Portugal, Germany, Italy, Finland, France, Poland and Estonia as well as a qualification trial process in Ireland and Northern Ireland.

The demonstrations and trials provide evidence of how the timely provision of required system services will be achieved using new approaches to coordinate the resources, actors and new technology mixes that will be present in the future European system. This involves testing new concepts, tools and a wide range of flexibilities including centralised pump storage plants, batteries, wind and photovoltaics (PV), heat loads, electric vehicles (EV). The interaction between the system layers and actors, and the replicability of concepts and approaches is also addressed.



Project summary and main outcomes, Marie-Ann Evans (EDF), 15 min


DSO Demos main objectives, results, challenges 45 min (15 min each)

  • German demonstrator: Flexibility of active and reactive power from HV distribution grid to EHV transmission grid, Maik Staudt (Mitnetz Strom), Sebastian Wende-von Berg, (Fraunhofer)
  • Italian demonstration: Flexibility services provision from resources connected to the MV DSO network, Simone Tegas (e-distribuzione) and Marino Carla (E-GI&N NT&I)
  • Portuguese FlexHub: A short- and long-term TSO-DSO coordination platform, José Villar (INESCTEC) and Susete Albuquerque (E-REDES);


TSO-DSO Round table 20 min

  • Challenges for the flexibility in the enhanced TSO-DSO coordination – key outcomes of the Dispatcher Training Simulator Sessions, Mateusz Skwarski (PSE Innowacje)
  • Demos and supporting Key messages around TSO-DSO coordination TM-demo leaders


VPP Demos main objectives, results, challenges 45 min (15 min each)

  • French VPP demonstration – multi-services provision by multi-resources, Ye Wang (EDF)
  • Portuguese Virtual Power Plant: Unlocking flexibility at a utility-level, Miguel Jorge Marques (EDP) and Michael Wenzel (Siemens Energy)
  • Finnish Demo: Market based integration of distributed resources in the transmission system operation, Oliver Ojala (Helen)


VPP Round table: 20 min

  • Qualifier Trial Process: Ireland & Northern Ireland, John Wallace (Eirgrid)
  • Demos and supporting Key messages around aggregation and new flexibilities TM-demo leaders


CCL and next steps, overcoming the barriers to scalability, Marie-Ann Evans (EDF) 5 min


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