WP4: Simulation of the integration of new system services into System Operator control centres


Work Package Leader: SONI

Main Objectives

Work Package 4 will develop tools and procedures to equip System Operators with the new operating practices as required by the introduction of new system services. For that, it will develop:

  • New operator scheduling and decision support tools for innovative system services
  • A Dispatch Trainer Simulator (DTS) of a significant part of the Continental Europe network with high RES-E and extensive use of new technologies providing system services
  • A Qualification Trial Process (QTP) to demonstrate the ability of a range of technologies to provide system services
  • Operator protocols to meet specific system and market conditions, which is a key input into the Flexibility Roadmap in Work Package 10

The DTS will run high RES-E scenarios developed in Work Package 2 and model the system services functionality of the demonstration projects in Work Packages 6-8 and the QTP. Multiple sets of TSO operators from across Europe will explore the challenges in training the operators of the future, including cross border and TSO-DSO coordination.

Main Partners

SONI, EirGrid, PSE, KU Leuven, NCNR, IWES, EDF, Elering, AST, Innogy, EDP, EDIS, VITO


Work Package 4 bridges the gap between simulations of the power system and the small scale demonstration projects. It will demonstrate how the European power system can be operated with high RES-E and innovative system services. The tools, training documentation and operator protocol developed in Work Package 4 will equip system operators with the capability to change real-time operation of the power system to maintain security and stability whilst facilitating high levels of RES-E. The Qualification Trial Process (QTP) will demonstrate the capability of new and existing technologies to provide the innovative system services from Work Package 3 to meet the technical scarcities from Work Package 2.