WP6: Demonstration of flexibility services from resources connected to the distribution network
15.03.2018This work package analyses the opportunities arising from decentralized flexibility resources to serve the needs of the TSO’s. By means of 3 demonstrators located in Germany, Italy and Finland, this WP aims to:
- improve TSO-DSO coordination,
- provide ancillary services to TSOs from flexibilities in the distribution system,
- show how flexibilities in the distribution grid can be used to meet the requirements of both DSO and TSO
WP6 will convert the business use cases defined by WP3 (defined in close cooperation with WP6) into system use cases for the demonstrators, especially investigating the needed interface between TSO and DSO and flexibility resource operator. WP6 will show how the interface needs to be elaborated to handle the increasing amount of RES.
For this purpose, in this WP different systems and tools will be developed which estimate and optimize the use of flexibilities in the different voltage levels of the distribution system to meet the TSO requests. Furthermore, it will be investigated and tested how the TSO/DSO interface including e.g. data management has to evolve. In WP6 three trials building up on existing demonstrators in three different countries and three different voltage levels will be implemented to test the theoretical approaches in the real system. The outcome will then be analysed to investigate if the requirements for the interface changes regarding the different voltage levels and countries.
These results will be the input for the analysis of WP4 and WP10. The data management is well aligned with WP5, as it will give input for adapted and expanded data models. This WP will also be in close coordination with WP9 for the TSO/DSO flexibility data exchange.