02.03.2018I-Europa, s.r.o. is the publishing company of a Slovak online media portal dedicated to EU affairs, institutions and policies called EURACTIV Slovakia. EURACTIV Slovakia is a partner within the EURACTIV Crosslingual Network of EU News and Policy media present in 12 European countries (target locations for the project: Brussels, Germany, France, Poland, Italy, Spain, Slovakia). EURACTIV Network enjoys high credibility among key policy stakeholders in Brussels as well as on national level. EURACTIV as a unique online media platform:
- Provides daily EU news and current affairs coverage, publishes comprehensive and insightful policy
briefings and thematic Special Reports, - Helps manage relations with policy stakeholders (e.g., EU Institutions, national institutions,
businesses and their associations, advocacy and research NGOs, think-tanks and academic
institutions), - Organizes various types of stakeholder and public events (stakeholder workshops and conferences,
from 20 up to 600 participants), - Develops online platforms informing about the EU, institutions, policies and actors (EU
Community, EurActory, EuropskaUnia.sk)
As a trusted source of information, EURACTIV is an attractive platform for opinion leaders and
influential multipliers. With a readership of 800.000 unique visitors per month and 1,6 million users
reach through a network of strategic media partners, EurActiv is a leading media for EU affairs.
Main Task within the EU-SysFlex project
Within the EU-SysFlex project, I-Europa will be a WP leader for Dissemination (WP11). Within this
Work Package, it will coordinate the publicity of the projects to its key target groups, create and
coordinate creation of publicity materials (website, brochure), create project identity and apply it to
various project materials (leaflets, presentations, reports). A significant part of the project will be to
communicate its results to policy stakeholders with the support of EURACTIV Network of Policy
portals in specific countries. This communication will be executed through online communication
(EurActiv Special Reports) and policy events (EURACTIV Stakeholder Workshops).
Experience and profile. I-Europa, s.r.o. has been a communication partner in projects financed
from different EU Programmes, including the Horizon 2020, 7th Framework Programme, Central
Europe programme, etc. In several cases, the company was coordinating multi-lingual
communication activities, targeting stakeholders from public institutions, industry and academia.
Membership in the EURACTIV Networks allows for an efficient coordination and communication via a
network of specialised news and policy portals, present in 12 countries, with a wide network of local
media partners.
Person in charge of the project: Kristína Kubišová
More info: https://euractiv.sk/projekty-eu/eu-sysflex/
Contact: [email protected]