Watch EU-SysFlex webinar #3: Conceptual market organisations for the provision of innovative system services: role models, associated market designs and regulatory frameworks



D3.2: Conceptual market organisations for the provision of innovative system services: role models, associated market designs and regulatory frameworks

The third EU-SysFlex webinar was dedicated to the topic of “Conceptual market organisations for the provision of innovative system services: role models, associated market designs and regulatory frameworks” (Task 3.2).

This task involved responsibilities and interactions between system operators (regulated players) and deregulated players (in particular flexibility service providers and market operators), for system service provision by both centralised and decentralised energy resources (demand response, storage, generation). We assessed different products procurement options to solve the scarcities identified by WP2 with specific attention to Clean Energy Package rules and recommendations and to coordination issues between local and global level. We compared different proposed role models and market/regulatory organizations with existing designs and regulation in EU countries.

The webinar focused specifically on different types of electricity procurement organisation (market-based versus regulated), market clearing optimization principles (centralised versus decentralised), and apply these principles to a number of selected electricity market products, i.e., inertia and products related to frequency and voltage control, and congestion management. Moreover, we discussed the consideration of grid constraints in the procurement process and what joint procurement of congestion management and mFRR products could look like.


  • Hanspeter Höschle, senior researcher Energy Markets, VITO/EnergyVille
  • Sylvie Magois, research project manager in regulation and market design, EDF
  • Niamh Delaney, principal market analyst ,Innovation, EirGrid
  • Philippe Loevenbruck, research engineer in power system economics, EDF
  • Jan Budke, expert for European regulation and projects, Innogy
  • Przemyslaw Kacprzak, Department of International Cooperation, PSE