German electricity grid upgrade ‘will be expensive’, experts warn
This article is part of our special report Renewables’ integration in the electricity grid. Author: Nikolaus J. Kurmayer / […]
Expensive gas has slowed the withdrawal from coal, renewables are more attractive
Rising gas prices have slowed down coal-fired power plants. Although the amount of electricity produced from renewable sources is growing, […]
Renewable energy contracts are not working. Guarantees from EIB are supposed to help
Long-term contracts for the purchase of electricity from renewable sources should be key to the development of green energy. However, […]
Poland is not ready for a blackout
“Polish society is completely unprepared for a blackout. The citizens are not informed that such a risk exists. We don’t […]
Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism, a tool of asymmetric consequences
In its fight to decarbonize the continent by the middle of the century, European Union plans to apply the so-called […]
Thore Sekkenes from European Battery Alliance: We will have to satisfy a huge demand in the EU
Thore Sekkenes, Program Director at the European Battery Alliance (EBA), predicts that, between now and 2025, European Union will see […]
Francisco Espinosa: I prefer not to owe electric companies anything
Francisco Espinosa, Managing Partner of the Association of Electricity Consumers (ACE) of Spain, assures that although hydrogen will be the […]
Think-tank: Bulgaria will be a net importer of electricity after 2030
Bulgaria is likely to become a net importer of electricity after 2030, accounting for about 15% of its needs, said […]
Power grid flexibility vital to ‘avoid blackouts’, EU’s Sefcovic says
Batteries and hydrogen can provide the necessary flexibility for Europe’s electricity grid to avoid blackouts in an energy system increasingly […]
EURACTIV presents European Special Report on EU-SysFlex Project
The growing share of intermittent sources of electricity like solar and wind is placing the power grid under unprecedented strain, […]
Decarbonised electricity generation will not be free. There are eight challenges ahead
For European Union to meet its climate targets by 2030 it will be necessary to accelerate the decarbonization of electricity. […]
Most European countries subsidize more fossil energy than renewables. It also applies to Slovakia
According to a report by a European Court of Auditors, fossil energy in more than 15 countries, including Slovakia, receives […]
Eclipses may cause problems. What are the pitfalls of electricity from solar or wind and how to solve them?
There is more and more electricity from renewable sources. In particular, the development of solar and wind electricity brings complications […]
Fernando Ferrando: Maintaining Spanish nuclear power plants is mortgaging future generations
Madrid (EuroEFE) – Fernando Ferrando, president of the Renewable Foundation (Fundación Renovables), considers that one of the many advantages of […]
From the north of Germany to Bavaria via Slovakia. Unplanned electricity flows are a problem, although a smaller one than in the past
Rapid growth of renewable sources in Germany burdens the transmission systems in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Poland. The so-called […]