EU-SysFlex at 12th ETIP SNET Regional Workshop


The European Technology & Innovation Platform (ETIP SNET) organizes its 12th Regional Workshop as part of its mission of guiding Research and Innovation activities to support Europe’s energy transition.

Join the 12th Regional Workshop on Tuesday 22nd of June (9:30am – 1 pm CET). Helena Gerard from VITO will be representing EU-SysFlex project at this workshop.

The workshop will dive into Europe’s energy transition via 4 parallel sessions focusing on the following thematic priorities:

1) Market based Energy Systems
2) Integrated Energy Networks: focus on storage
3) Digitalisation as the Key Enabler
4) Consumer and Citizen Engagement

During each of the thematic sessions, nationally and regionally funded R&I projects of significant added value will be presented. The workshop will provide a unique opportunity to learn about R&I projects around Europe and contribute to the identification of R&I gaps, challenges and priorities.

Find out more at the workshop website.


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