EU-SysFlex at InnoGrid 2020 virtual sessions


We are pleased to announce that our EU-SysFlex project will be presented at Innogrid 2020 virtual sessions.

EU-SysFlex will be represented by Jan Budke (innogy) at Projects Session: Flexibility & New Markets: One year after ENTSO-E and E.DSO published the ASM Report we are looking into the next steps according to flagship projects dealing with the challenges of coordinating the energy system of tomorrow: Flexibility, electrification, data interoperability, and optimization among the systems.

EU-SysFlex will present the key findings in the project related to the interface between DSOs, TSOs and flexibility platforms – also including different design options of centralized and decentralized optimization to ensure efficient TSO/DSO cooperation.

The session is scheduled to take place on June 30, 2020 at 12 pm (noon).

For more information about InnoGrid 2020 programme, please visit: