EU-SysFlex webinar #2: Financial Implications of High Levels of Renewables on the European Power System
30.04.2020Events? EU-SYSFLEX WEBINAREU-SysFlex invites you to watch a webinar on Task 2.5. Task 2.5 provides a comprehensive economical and financial analysis of future European power systems which incorporate higher levels of Variable Renewable Energy Sources (vRES). The analysis undertaken in this task builds upon the work carried out in earlier tasks within WP2 in which detailed scenarios and models were developed. These models and scenarios are employed to carry out detailed production cost analysis, in order to assess the impact of increasing shares of variable renewables. In addition, an analysis of generation costs versus forecasted market revenues allows for a study of potential financial gaps that may arise.The webinar presents the findings from Task 2.5 for the Continental European power system, the Nordic power system and the Ireland and Northern Ireland power system.Speakers:Carole Devlin, Senior Engineer, EirGridCaroline Bono, Research Engineer, EDFJussi Ikӓheimo, Senior Scientist, VTTSheila Nolan, Senior Lead Engineer, EirGrid
Uverejnil používateľ EU-SysFlex Utorok 26. mája 2020
26th May 2020, 11:00-12:30 CEST
EU-SysFlex would like to invite you to a webinar on Task 2.5. Task 2.5 provides a comprehensive economical and financial analysis of future European power systems which incorporate higher levels of Variable Renewable Energy Sources (vRES). The analysis undertaken in this task builds upon the work carried out in earlier tasks within WP2 in which detailed scenarios and models were developed. These models and scenarios are employed to carry out detailed production cost analysis, in order to assess the impact of increasing shares of variable renewables. In addition, an analysis of generation costs versus forecasted market revenues allows for a study of potential financial gaps that may arise.
The webinar will present the findings from Task 2.5 for the Continental European power system, the Nordic power system and the Ireland and Northern Ireland power system.
EU-SysFlex is a Horizon 2020 project aimed at identifying the long-term needs as well as the technical scarcities of the future power system. The objective of the project is to create a long-term roadmap for large-scale integration of renewable energy in electricity grids as well as provide practical assistance to power system operators across Europe. The project team is working on identifying improvements to European market design, regulation, operational practices and enhanced system tools. EU-SysFlex is a project made up of a pan-European consortium, crossing the industry spectrum from TSOs, DSOs, technology providers and consultants as well as research and academic institutes from 34 organisations across 15 European countries.
- Carole Devlin, Senior Engineer, EirGrid
- Caroline Bono, Research Engineer, EDF
- Jussi Ikӓheimo, Senior Scientist, VTT
- Sheila Nolan, Senior Lead Engineer, EirGrid
(Zoom and Slido (Q&A) information will be sent to the registered participants)
- Presentations,
- Q&A
Sheila Nolan, [email protected]
Kristina Kubisova, [email protected]
Carole Devlin, PhD, works as part of the Innovation team within the Irish TSO EirGrid. Her work focuses on the integration of new technologies and system services which help deliver a low-carbon energy future, while also ensuring operation of a safe, secure and efficient power system. Prior to this Carole held various roles in the areas of grid connections, regulation and trading in the electricity sector in Ireland. Carole holds BE and PhD Degrees from University College Dublin in electronic engineering.
Caroline Bono, PhD has more than ten years experience in the energy and numerical simulation sectors. At EDF since 2008, she has conducted several strategic analyses on the French power sector and was strongly involved in the assessment of renewable energy integration and the induced flexibility requirement. She has a strong experience in scientific computing through several research positions at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (USA) and at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA) from 2002 to 2008. She holds a PhD in Mechanical Engineering and Scientific Computing from the University of Michigan, a MS in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Michigan and a Diplôme d’Ingénieur (BS) from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Techniques Avancées, Paris, France.
Jussi Ikäheimo is a Senior Scientist in the field of Energy Systems. He has worked at VTT since 2000 and has more than 15 years’ experience from energy system research. He holds an M. Sc. degree in Engineering Physics from Helsinki University of Technology in. His research focuses on sector coupling, power-to-X, demand response, district heating, electrical vehicles, heat pumps and system stability as well as participation of new types of resources in power and reserve markets. He has also been active in international collaboration networks such as IEA DSM.
Sheila Nolan, PhD has been with the Innovation team with the Irish TSO EirGrid since 2017. Her work focuses on supporting analysis of the future power system and the integration of new technologies and system services. She holds a PhD in Power System Engineering from University College Dublin, an MSc in Sustainable Energy Systems from the University of Edinburgh and a BE in Mechanical Engineering from University College Dublin.