Joint public webinars by H2020 projects: EU-SysFlex and OSMOSE




Horizon 2020 projects EU-SysFlex and OSMOSE would like to invite you to three webinars presenting insights from both projects:


15 June 2021, 10.00-11.30 CEST

In scenarios with high Renewable Energy Sources, ensuring a cost-effective adequacy between generation and demand and a stable power system will become challenging. In this webinar, the OSMOSE and EU-SysFlex Projects will present the scenarios they have considered and the key challenges identified. First, OSMOSE will present its new methods to define cost-effective mix of flexibilities and preliminary results. EU-SysFlex will complete this vision by highlighting long-term scarcities on adequacy and on frequency stability in their own scenarios. Finally, the two projects will present their demonstrators providing new frequency and stability services.


  • Introduction of the webinar and both projects: Marie-Ann Evans (EDF), Nathalie Grisey (RTE)
  • Topic 1: Long-term scenarios and adequacy challenges
    • OSMOSE: Optimal mix of flexibilities: Jens Weibezahn (TUB)
    • EU-SysFlex: Scenarios: Caroline Bono (EDF)
  • Topic 2: Frequency and stability challenges
    • EU-SysFlex: Analysis of scarcities: Sheila Nolan (EirGrid)
    • OSMOSE: Grid forming to ensure stability: Carmen Cardozo (RTE)
  • Topic 3: Demonstrations of new flexibility providers
    • EU-SysFlex: Demonstrating Virtual Power Plants: Miguel Marques (EDP)
    • OSMOSE: Provision of frequency and voltage regulation by wind farms: Alessio Siviero (Terna)
  • Q&A session moderated by John Lowry (EirGrid)


16 June 2021, 10.00-11.30 CEST

To enable an efficient Energy Transition, it will be key to activate more flexibility sources fast and efficiently. There is thus a need to accelerate and standardize data exchanges between the different layers, components and stakeholders of the power system. In this webinar, OSMOSE will present the issues and solutions found it two of its demonstrators. The first one implements close to real time cross border exchanges between Italy and Slovenia. The second one demonstrates a new critical and extremely fast service : grid forming. EU-SysFlex will then present its recommendations for improved data exchanges through its conceptual model for private energy data management.


  • Introduction of the webinar and both projects: Marie-Ann Evans (EDF), Nathalie Grisey (RTE)
  • OSMOSE: Near real time platform to activate cross border flexibilities: Gregor Goricar (ELES)
  • EU-SysFlex: DSO led demonstration project
  • OSMOSE: Grid forming activation and KPIs: Mario Paolone (EPFL)
  • OSMOSE: Monitoring new ancillary services: Emeline Guiu (RTE)
  • EU-SysFlex: Conceptual model for private energy data management: Kalle Kukk (Elering)
  • OSMOSE: IEC61850 communication standard: Camille Bloch, Schneider Electric
  • Q&A session moderated by Nathalie Grisey (RTE)


17 June 2021, 10.00-12:00 CEST

Distributed resources will be key enablers of the Energy Transition and we need to foster their contribution to an efficient power system. In this webinar, the EU-SysFlex and OSMOSE projects will first introduce their work on the values of distributed flexibilities and will then present their demonstrators.
The OSMOSE Portuguese demo will introduce its tool to support the DSO for an optimal planning of flexibilities.
A roundtable will conclude the webinar to enable the speakers, TSOs and DSOs, to react on their respective works.


  • Introduction of the webinar and both projects: Marie-Ann Evans (EDF), Nathalie Grisey (RTE)
  • Topic 1: Value of distributed flexibilities
    • OSMOSE: Modelling distributed flexibilities in 2030 market simulations: Giuditta Pisano (UNICA)
    • EU-SysFlex: Challenges for TSO - DSO coordination when using distributed flexibility for system purposes: Helena Gerard (VITO)
  • Topic 2: Demonstrations
    • EU-SysFlex: Portuguese demo: Susete Albuquerque (E-REDES)
    • OSMOSE: Portuguese demo: A tool to support the DSO in the optimal planning of the flexibilities: Rui Pestana (REN), Ricardo Pastor (NESTER)
    • EU-SysFlex Italian demo: Simone Tegas (e-distribuzione)
    • EU-SysFlex German demo: Maik Staudt (Mitnetz Strom)
  • Q&A session with guest Tommaso De Marco (Terna) and moderated by Helena Gerard (VITO)

(Zoom information will be sent to the registered participants)

EU-SysFlex is a Horizon 2020 project aimed at identifying the long-term needs as well as the technical scarcities of the future power system. The objective of the project is to create a long-term roadmap for large-scale integration of renewable energy in electricity grids as well as provide practical assistance to power system operators across Europe. The project team is working on identifying improvements to European market design, regulation, operational practices and enhanced system tools. EU-SysFlex is a project made up of a pan-European consortium, crossing the industry spectrum from TSOs, DSOs, technology providers and consultants as well as research and academic institutes from 34 organisations across 15 European countries. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 773505.

OSMOSE is a consortium of 33 partners addressing the identification and development of flexibilities required to enable the Energy Transition to a high share of renewables. The approach captures synergies across needs (energy balancing, ancillary services, congestion management) and sources of flexibilities (generation, demand response, grid, storage), such as multiple services from one source, or hybridizing sources, resulting in a cost-efficient power. Four large scale demonstrators led by transmission system operators should foster the development of new flexibility solutions while long-term studies and simulations provides a vision on future needs. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 773406.

Contact for administrative or registration questions: Kristina Kubisova,