Elering AS (Elering)


Elering AS is transmission system operator whose main task is to ensure the sustainable functioning of security of electricity and gas supply as vital services. Elering maintains and develops national transmission network and external connections. Elering operates the Estonian electricity and gas systems in real time, ensuring the functioning of the transmission network as well as a balancing the system. To this end, fast and competent decisions are continuously required in order to ensure the stable functioning of the energy system.


Main Task within the EU-SysFlex project

In EU-SysFlex project Elering coordinates WP5 and WP9, the work packages on data management. This
includes leading and contributing with tasks like development of data exchange model,
demonstration of data exchange platform and related applications, identification of use cases,
description of cyber security and data privacy requirements, and proposal of standards and
communication protocols. Elering will also contribute to other WPs in order to develop market and a
roadmap for flexibility services. This project is well in line with Elering’s strategy which places market
development, data management and customer involvement high in its agenda.

Person in charge of the project: Kalle Kukk

More info: https://elering.ee/en

Contact: [email protected]