EU-SysFlex webinar: Demonstrations of easy access to data and easy access to flexibility market
21.04.2021Events25 May 2021, 10-12 AM CEST, ZOOM webinar
EU-SysFlex would like to invite you to a webinar presenting data exchange demonstrators, data exchange system use cases implemented in these demonstrators as well as standardisation gap analysis and “CIMification” concept for these use cases. It is all about easy access to data and easy access to market.
EU-SysFlex webinar intends to present data exchange demonstrators in order to confirm the value of interoperability at any layer of SGAM (Smart Grid Architecture Model). Among others, this means harmonised vocabulary for roles, well-defined processes and functionalities, agreed data semantics, tools for easy access to data, etc.
Two groups of demonstrators were implemented. First, data arrangements needed for flexibility market operation, affordable access by flexibility end-providers through aggregator to market as well as single Flexibility Platform concept are demonstrated. Second, the benefits of using Data Exchange Platform for any data exchanges are proven.
These demonstrators are based on data exchange System Use Cases – 16 use cases were identified and described in the project. Some are fully independent of any business process (e.g. data access permission, data user authentication), some are specifically needed for flexibility market functioning (e.g. baseline calculation, flexibility provider prequalification).
While system use cases describe the interoperability on the Function Layer, standardisation is more relevant on Information Layer and Communication Layer. Relevant initiatives, standards and specification were reviewed, gap analysis per each use case performed and proposals for further standardisation made. EU-SysFlex introduces the concept of “CIMification”.
- KALLE KUKK, Elering
- AIVO OLEV, Cybernetica
- 10.00-10.10 Welcome and introduction
- 10.10-10.30 Improved access to data and market through interoperability of data and services
- 10.30-10.50 Data exchange use cases and “CIMification”
- 10.50-11.10 Flexibility Platform demonstration
- 11.10-11.30 Data Exchange Platform demonstrations
- 11.30-11.55 Q&A
- 11.55-12.00 Wrap-up
(Zoom link and other information will be sent to the registered participants)
Kristina Kubisova, [email protected]