Watch EU-SysFlex webinar #4: Impact analysis of market and regulatory options through advanced power system and market modelling studies



D3.4: Impact analysis of market and regulatory options through advanced power system and market modelling studies

The fourth EU-SysFlex webinar was dedicated to the topic of ‘Impact analysis of market and regulatory options through advanced power system and market modelling studies’ (Task 3.4).

This task involved modelling different operational timeframes, and quantitatively analysing how market and product designs of systems services play out in different power system configurations: distribution vs. transmission level, isolated vs. interconnected, lightly-loaded vs. congested grids, etc.

A range of advanced models were deployed to study these effects, ranging from flexible UC/ED models (stochastic/deterministic, adaptive in terms of considered technologies, interconnections, geographical and temporal scope, etc.) over game theoretic approaches (equilibrium models, bi-level optimization, etc.), agent-based simulations to investment models. We present how these models are used to address four areas of research: market and regulatory design, market participants’ behaviour, geographical aspects (locality, cross-border) and investment effects.


  • Hanspeter Höschle, Senior Researcher, Energy Markets, VITO/EnergyVille
  • Danny Pudjianto, Imperial College London
  • Erik Delarue, Assistant Professor, KU Leuven
  • Arne van Stiphout, Post-Doctoral Researcher, KU Leuven
  • Ciara O’Dwyer, Senior Power Systems Researcher, University College Dublin
  • Gwen Willeghems, Researcher, Energy Markets, VITO/EnergyVille
  • Marcin Jakubek, Researcher, National Centre for Nuclear Research
  • Endika Urresti-Padrón, Lead Engineer and Researcher, National Centre for Nuclear Research
  • Michał Kłos, Researcher, National Centre for Nuclear Research
  • Dimitrios Papadaskalopoulos, Research Fellow in Decentralised Energy Systems, Imperial College London