WP10: Pan-European Scalability and Replicability Analysis and Flexibility Roadmap


Work Package Leader: EDF

The goal of this WP is to build upon the results of the EU-SysFlex project, in order to perform the Scalability and replicability analysis (SRA) of the results from the demonstrations and provide a clear vision and strategy in the form of a roadmap for development and deployment of system services needed by TSOs to support the integration of RES, storage and flexible demand technologies, in order to meet the carbon targets while maintaining the security of supply and minimising the electricity costs to consumers. In order to maximize the outputs of the project, all partners of EU-SysFlex will be involved in this WP.

The work is divided into 2 tasks:

1) Technical, economic and regulatory flexibility analysis: This work is supported by the analysis of the performances measured in the demonstrations through Key Performance Indicators (KPI) and the evaluation of the scalable technical potential (in terms of power and energy). Although the number of demonstrations inside the project already proves a good replicability, the results will then be extrapolated to the pan-European system through a SRA that will look at technical but also economic and regulatory factors that could limit and favour the deployment of solutions. The technical analysis will include the reliability analysis of system services provided by distribution network connected resources.

2) Flexibility roadmap for Europe and guidelines for its implementation: The previous analyses will feed a European flexibility roadmap and develop policy guidelines for its implementation. This work is carried out by all stakeholders including the advisory board and TSO reference group, who will support with an expert viewpoint. This roadmap will support WP11 in identifying a set of key results and main project messages to be disseminated and exploited.