WP7: Demonstration of a multi-service framework for coordination of centralised and decentralised flexibilities


Work Package Leader: EDP CNET

Main Objective:

Technical and commercial coordination of flexibility in a multi-system framework, in 2 work streams:

  • Virtual Power Plant: optimized operation of large-scale generation, storage and RES (demo in Venda Nova III + Wind Farms);
  • Flexibility Hub: Control of Resources connected to the DSO grid to provide flexibility to the system

Main Partners and Skills

  • EDP, 5 different BUs: EDPCNET (R&D), EDP Distribuição (DSO), EDP Renewables (RES promotor & operator), EDP Produção (conventional generation unit), EDP SA-UNGE (energy market trading);
  • Siemens (Energy)
  • INESC TEC (Research Institute)
  • EDF R&D (R&D)


  • New services rendered to the TSO, to improve grid operation and planning
  • Participation in the market of mixed resources through a VPP