Download the EU-SysFlex project flyer#1, flyer#2 and brochure#1, brochure #2
EU-SysFlex demonstration projects fact sheets:
Ireland & Northern Ireland Demostrations: The Qualifier Trial Process (QTP)
Italian Demonstration: Flexibility services provision from resources connected to the MV DSO
German Demomonstration: Flexibility from distribution grids for active and reactive power provision
Data Demonstration: Demonstrations of cross-border and cross-sector data exchanges
Project Newsletters:
Public Deliverables:
WP2: Development of new approaches for system operation with high RES-E
D2.1: State-of-the-Art Literature Review of System Scarcities at High Levels of Renewable Generation
D2.2: EU-SysFlex Scenarios and Network Sensitivities
D2.3: Models for Simulating Technical Scarcities
D2.4: Scarcity identification for Pan European System
D2.5: Financial Implications of High Levels of Renewables on the European Power System
WP3: Analysis of market design and regulatory options for innovative system services
D3.1: Product Definition for Innovative System Services
D3.3: Business Use Cases for Innovative System Services
WP4: Simulation of the integration of new system services into System Operator control centres
D4.3: Report on operator training outcomes with multiple TSO session held in DTS in Warsaw
D4.4: Qualification Trial Process for technology Integration and trialling of System Services
D4.7: Development of EUSysFlex Operator Protocol
WP5: Data management for facilitation of new flexibility solutions
D5.1: Recommended data exchange conceptual model for Europe
Task 5.1.3: Market and Governance of Existing Data Access & Exchange Platforms
Task 5.1.5: Legal requirements to data exchange - 2019.10
Task 5.1.9 Data exchange role model
D5.2: Description of data exchange use cases based on IEC 62559 methodology
Task 5.2: Individual data exchange use cases
D5.5: Proposal for data exchange standards and protocols
WP6: Demonstration of flexibility services from resources connected to the distribution network
D6.1: Demonstrators system use cases description
D6.2: Forecast: Data, Methods and Processing. A common description
D6.3: Grid simulations and simulation tools. Preliminary results
D6.4: General description of processes and data transfer within three EU-SysFlex demonstrators
D6.5 Optimization tools and first applications in simulated environments
D6.6: Demonstrators for Flexibility Provision from Decentralized Resources, common View
D6.8: Italian demonstrator - DSO support to the transmission network operation
D8.4: French demonstration: “multi-resources multi-services” virtual power plant
WP9: Demonstration of cross-border and cross-sector data management and exchanges
Task 9.1 and Task 9.2: Flexibility Platform Demonstrator Video
Task 9.3: Summary report of cross-border and cross-sectoral data exchange demonstrators
WP10: Pan-European Scalability and Replicability Analysis and Flexibility Roadmap
D10.1: Report on the selection of KPIs for the demonstrations
D10.2: Report on the Technical Energy Analysis (TEA)
D10.3: Assessment of the technical reliability performance of EU-Sysflex Solutions
D10.4: Assessment of the scalability and replicability of EU-SysFlex solutions
D10.5: European Power System Flexibility Roadmap
WP11: Exploitation, communication & dissemination and coordination with other H2020 projects
D11.1: Social media and website
D11.9: Communication and Dissemination Plan
D11.10: Project newsletter (N1)
D11.11: Project newsletter (N2)
D11.12: Project newsletter (N3)
D11.13: Project newsletter (N4)
D11.14: Project newsletter (N5)
D11.15: Project Newsletter (N6)
D11.16: Project Newsletter (N7)
D11.18: Project flyer and brochure (N1)
D11.19: Project flyer and brochure (N2)
D11.20: Project flyer and brochure (N3)
D11.21: Policy workshop in Brussels (N 1)
D11.22: Policy workshop in Brussels (N 2)
D11.23: Policy workshop in Brussels (N3)
D11.24: Policy workshop in Brussels (N4)
D11.25: Policy workshops in Brussels (N5)
D11.26: Policy workshop in national capitals (N1)
D11.27: Policy workshops in National Capitals (N2)
D11.28: Report on communication in media, at research & industry events, specialised journals
- Energies Journal: National Centre for Nuclear Research, Defining Transmission System Operators’ Investment Shares for Phase-Shifting Transformers Used for Coordinated Redispatch
- Energies Journal: National Centre for Nuclear Research, Pre-Selection of the Optimal Sitting of Phase-Shifting Transformers Based on an Optimization Problem Solved within a Coordinated Cross-Border Congestion Management Process
- Electric Power Systems Research: KU Leuven, Energy and reserve markets: interdependency in electricity systems with a high share of renewables
- Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks: UniKassel, Fraunhofer IEE, Fast parallel Newton–Raphson power flow solver for large number of system calculations with CPU and GPU
- IEEE Open Access Journal of Power and Energy: UniKassel, Fraunhofer IEE, Active Power Curtailment in Power System Planning
- Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks: UniKassel, Fraunhofer IEE, Approximating multi-purpose AC Optimal Power Flow with reinforcement trained Artificial Neural Network
- CIRED Conference 2021: UniKassel, Fraunhofer IEE, Fast parallel quasi-static time series simulator for active distribution grid operation with pandapower